Post by Category : News Articles

Reporter News: Holley: enjoy favorite restaurant meals at home

Board games are fun and you can normally find some on Freecycle. Monopoly, Sorry!, Chutes and Ladders, Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit — whatever is appropriate for the youngest person in your family. Playing games and spending time around family members helps children as well. They learn the importance of rules and following them, sequence, how to be a good sport and a host of other things. At my house, Wednesday nights are Wii nights. My son just loves the Wii, so that night is set aside for us to play Wii with him, to spend time with him. That doesn’t mean we don’t play the Wii with him any other nights, but it is the night we drop everything and spend time with him.

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The Guardian: Business Tesco Tesco sales slump part of consumer revolution changing the way we shop

“One of the mantras of the amateur economy has been the need to repair, reuse, renew, recycle. Initiatives such as Freecycle will have an impact,” he said.

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Marlborough Patch: Sales at Target and Much More in Marlborough this Week

3. . List your unwanted things on Freecycle. The Marlborough, Sudbury and Hudson Freecycle Community is full of people who are eager to find great things for free. Start by joining Freecycle and offering an item. Soon you will have an easy way to find your unwanted things a good home.

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Green Valley News: Freecycle! Exchange of used treasures a hit in GV, Sahuarita

Few left empty-handed Saturday from Green Valley library’s first “Freecycle” event held as part of a Pima County Post Holiday Swap of free stuff.

True to its name, there were some holiday-themed items in the mix — all brought by winter visitors, year-round residents, out-of-towners and grandparents with kids in tow. Everybody learned more about the recycling concept and maybe even got some grins trying on wigs, handmade scarves, hats and other things that materialized.

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Snellville Patch: Moms Talk: A New Year, A New Pile of Stuff

If I’m not selling, I usually end up stuffing things in bags and hauling them to Goodwill, but I’ve recently been looking at some other options. I have friends who use Freecycle and love it. You just post your unwanted stuff, and people will come pick it up. Easy as pie!

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Ashland Daily Tidings: Clutter-free New Year

For more decluttering inspiration, check out “The 100 Thing Challenge,” by Dave Bruno. The book chronicles his journey to reduce the sum of all his possessions to no more than 100 items. And, if you want help purging, join the local chapter of Freecycle is a forum where you can advertise things you’re willing to give away for free, and its members will often happily make a house call to pick up your reusable items.

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Evening Standard: Too much stuff? Try website that finds storage at your neighbours

He said he hoped the website would become “the eBay of storage” and encourage communities to exchange services with each other in a similar vein to Freecycle, a website which allows people to acquire or get rid of objects such as furniture for free.

Read more Enter the Lazyweb: How to get freebies and your work done for you, using only a browser

Freecycle is a UK-based online commuity that lets people give their unwanted stuff away for free to anyone in the local area. Sign up to your town or borough’s Freecycle group and you’ll receive email digests from your neighbours.

Of course, most of the time it’ll be people giving away power cords and leaflets, but every now and then there’ll be a genuine find.

Read more Diedra Holley: Green tips for the new year

In fact, the only thing I really have to remember is to take my rechargeable batteries out of toys that are being put on Freecycle or thrown out.

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Scottish Daily Record: Mum saved £10k in a year to save home she shares with two boys

Home furnishings

“WE had just moved into our new house when I lost my business so we hardly had any furniture,” said Elaine.

She turned to giveaway website, where she was astonished to find quality furniture that cost nothing.

“I got pine furniture and beds for the boys’ rooms, which would have cost around £750 to buy new,” she said.

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