Post by Category : News Articles

Elmhurst Patch: Freecycle Is a Gift that Keeps on Giving

What do you do when you need to part with the frozen turkey taking up much needed space in your freezer? What about the free infant formula you received in the mail after the birth of your breastfed baby? Have empty moving boxes you can’t justify throwing away? Post them on Freecycle.

The Freecycle Network is a grassroots and nonprofit community gifting movement. Made up of thousands of local groups, Freecycle promotes reuse through local gifting among members. Members have the opportunity to give and get items for free, in an effort to keep unnecessary waste out of landfills.

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Times Live: Anyone for bunny ears?

I’d stumbled across this sterling fortune by signing up to Freecycle Cape Town, a non-profit, online forum where anyone in the city can post ads to liberate themselves of unwanted possessions, find things they need but can’t afford, and track down hard-to-find whatnots.

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La Parisienne: Au lieu de jeter, donnez !

« Don après don, nous changeons le monde ». Derrière ce slogan aux accents utopistes, il s’agit d’une démarche tout ce qu’il y a de plus pragmatique : au lieu de jeter, donnez! C’est le credo des Freecycle (« free » comme gratuit, « cycle » comme recycler), un mouvement né aux Etats-Unis, qui fait une percée en France.
En 2003, lassé du spectacle des décharges encombrées d’objets réutilisables, Deron Beal, un habitant de Tucson, dans l’Arizona, a créé le premier groupe Freecycle avec des amis. Neuf ans plus tard, il compte près de 9 millions d’adeptes dans le monde, — ils sont déjà 45 000 en France, dont plus de 10 000 en région parisienne.

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Allentown Morning Call: Go easy on e-waste

You can also consider reusing your electronics. The old iPhone may be passe to you, but to someone who doesn’t have one, it’s the best thing. Look for opportunities to give your stuff away, like through Freecycle, or try trading it for cash (,, etc.). When you buy something new, bring it all full circle by purchasing products that are made from recycled materials — if you need a phone for instance — the Samsung Replenish (

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Trib Local Elmhurst: Freecycle Is a Gift That Keeps On Giving

What do you do when you need to part with the frozen turkey taking up much needed space in your freezer? What about the free infant formula you received in the mail after the birth of your breastfed baby? Have empty moving boxes you can’t justify throwing away? Post them on Freecycle.

The Freecycle Network is a grassroots and nonprofit community gifting movement. Made up of thousands of local groups, Freecycle promotes reuse through local gifting among members. Members have the opportunity to give and get items for free, in an effort to keep unnecessary waste out of landfills.

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TriValley Central: Add an effective cardiovascular exercise to your routine

Once you master rowing form at the gym, you could decide to invest in a rowing machine for your home. Some fitness enthusiasts buy new machines; some buy used ones from friends who don’t use the ones in their basements; and some find free rowing machines through sites such as, where people list items they no longer want and recycle them to those who wish to come get them.

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ScotchPlains-Fanwood Patch: Organizer Offers Three Tips to a Clutter-Free New Year

A fan of, Novak said people are more apt to give away their treasures if they know someone will love them as much as they have. By finding a good home for a beloved item, it’s easier to say goodbye to it.

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The Tennessean: Nolensville: Connect with neighbors on local online sites

Nolensville Freecycle Group: Started by Michelle Willis, this page is a go-to if you want to give away something or ask around for something you need. Items from furniture to shoes to printers have been on there.

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Canton Repository: How to get free stuff online

Although it may not always be new, free clothing also can be found on sites such as Craig’s List and Freecycle, a nonprofit organization that matches people within communities to promote giving and receiving free items for reuse or recycling. (A similar site,, does not yet have a group in Stark County.)

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The Guardian: Swapshop revived – for one day only

Everybody’s favourite Saturday morning TV show Swapshop is back. But before you reach for those unwanted Christmas gifts, Monkey has to inform you it’s for one day only. Yes, the pre-eBay and Freecycle way of getting rid of stuff is being revived for one day at London’s Victoria station next Wednesday for a marketing stunt by Noel Edmonds will not be there but Keith “Cheggers” Chegwin will, natch. Suggestions that makeup company Nude is doing a similar stunt by bringing back Cheggers’ infamous Channel 5 show Naked Jungle for a day are wide of the mark. Thankfully.

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