Post by Category : News Articles

Durant Daily Democrat: Recycling network provides for others

A local online project is breathing new life into the old adage, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”

Katrina Hernandez, 35, of Calera, has started a Durant/Bryan County branch of the Freecycle Network, an online nonprofit recycling movement to keep “good stuff out of landfills” by allowing members to give and get items for free, according to the website.

“The whole thing is completely free,” Hernandez said. “Free to sign up. Free to join. No strings attached, totally free stuff.”

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El Del reciclaje al ‘freeciclaje’

El sofá en el que está sentado Deron Beal lo consiguió gratis, después de donar su propia cama de soltero. El intercambio se produjo hace ocho años, cuando 30 amigos de Tucson (Arizona) decidieron crear un grupo de trueque en Yahoo. La voz del “quiero y ofrezco” se ha propagado desde entonces como un generoso virus: los miembros Freecycle superan ya los 9 millones, distribuidos por 5.000 grupos y en 75 países.

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Gaston Gazette: Frugal Living – Combat Price Hikes On Food

Wild-food foraging: Look for books or websites on wild-food foraging and edible plants. Contact farmers, grocery stores, u-pick farms or your neighbors and ask if you can glean their excess. Fallen fruit and unharvested vegetables rot and can be a chore to clean up, so they might be more than happy to give it away. Offer to volunteer some time if necessary to help them in exchange for food. You can place an ad in your local newspaper or on or, too.

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Wicked Local: Brookline Recycling Corner: Spring cleaning edition

Usable furniture — Set it out at the curb the night before collection. Or go to Maybe somebody can give that chair a new home.

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Huffington Post: Top 10 Green Spring Cleaning Tips

9. Recycle the old

Whether it’s appliances, furniture or clothes that you need to ditch, be sure to recycle when possible. Consider joining an online community called Freecycle, which has localized chapters of members who let each other know what stuff they have hanging around that they would like to give away — anything from kitchen appliances to bicycles, furniture to magazines, and clothing to diapers (unused, of course).

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Welcome to April, Ok, so it’s technically still March but Spring is certainly in the air!! It’s starting to get warmer out, and hopefully we’ll soon all be able to open our windows on a regular basis.

This also means Spring cleaning!

Get out to that garage, up in the attic or down to the basement. Now is the best time to get that extra stuff moved out and into a new home!


You’d be surprised what other people would love to have. Stuff you don’t even realize you still have. How about that thingamajig you have in that dusty box in the back corner of your basement. I know it’s safely guarded by a field of spider webs, but if you arm
yourself with a metal bowl on your head to protect your hair from getting dirty (please wash it before you cook the family dinner, well, if it’s for the in-laws, it’s up to you), goggles to keep your eyes safe, some earmuffs to keep critters out of your ears, gloves to
keep your hands clean, and a bio-hazard suit to protect your clothes, you can make it through the army of webs and get to that box. Then you can FREECYCLE IT!!!!! (and get the webs out of there too)

It’ll be fun, go for it. You never know, someone might actually really really really need that thingamajig, and you might be the only one that still has it.

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North London Today: Enfield weekly round-up

ENFIELD was going green this week with thousands of canny residents choosing to freeccycle rather than dump unwanted goods in landfill but this was somewhat countered by controversy over the council sell-off of acres of green belt land.

THE council’s decision to sell chunks of the green belt, including the freehold of the West Lodge Park Hotel in Ferny Hill, Enfield, angered Conservative councillor Henry Lamprecht who accused the council of being “short-sighted”.

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Greenbuild News:The A team

Getting all these stakeholders involved has been important for the site’s social sustainability as well as helping its environmental goals. Local school children (there’s two schools very close to the site) have been on site tours and worked on biodiversity projects such as building bird boxes. One further example is the way waste has been dealt with. “We have donated materials to local people using a variety of methods, including advertising surplus materials on Freecycle and Gumtree” says Dixon. He also describes how spare Ultralam timber boarding was given to animal charity Anihab to build stables and spare pipework was donated to a local rabbit sanctuary, giving the residents lots of lovely new tunnels to run through.

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Bayside Patch:Keep Unwanted Junk Out Of Landfills Freecycle is an online community where all goods are offered and taken for free to keep usable items out of landfills. You can post something you’d like to give away, or put up a posting for something you’d like to have. Freecycle forms networks by town, so check out their website and search for a group in your area.

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Lexington Herald Leader:When toys lose their appeal, parents have lots of options

Sparks said she has given away toys through, but that method is “a lot more hit and miss,” because people sometimes fail to show up to get the items offered, and she said she rarely got items she listed on the site that she would like to have.

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