Post by Category : Interesting Stuff

Bustle:Eco-Friendly Furniture Isn’t Hard To Get, But These Are 5 Key Things To Keep In Mind

Hit up junk sales, backyard sales, secondhand furniture stores and fairs, and places like Freecycle to see what’s available in your area. Though, one piece of advice that holds for new and secondhand furniture alike: It’s not a good idea to agree to buy a piece of furniture before you’ve seen it. Always book a viewing to try it out before any money changes hands.

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GreenBiz: How cleaning your closets can change your company’s culture

For the past few weeks, I’ve been transitioning our children’s playroom to a room for teens. Our family challenge was to try and do it without buying anything new and coming out economically even, spending no more than we were able to generate by selling things in it. The result is that I’ve been a very active user of some tools of the circular economy: namely, Goodwill, Craigslist and for the first time, Facebook Marketplace.

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New York Times: How to Sell, Donate or Recycle Your Stuff

If you’re like a lot of the people watching the new Netflix show, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” you have already looked around your home for things you want to get rid of. If you’ve already done the hard work of sorting through your belongings and culling what you do not need, great work!

Almost anything and everything


Read more Free living is a modern way to save as Aussies ditch consumerism

As family budgets bite, used goods platforms such as Facebook Buy Swap and Sell groups, Facebook Pay it Forward pages, Gumtree and Freecycle are becoming increasingly popular.

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The Providence Journal: Trash Tutorial: Options for your played-out discs and tapes

A:If you have CDs, DVDs or VHS tapes that hold professionally recorded music or movies, and these are still in good, playable condition, then you have some online, satellite and brick-and-mortar options for finding their next home. There are websites and apps like Craigslist, FreeCycle, 5 Miles, Letgo and OfferUp that allow you to sell or give away used items for free. Book donation bins stationed around your community or at your local transfer station or recycling center also accept donatable CDs, DVDs and VHS tapes. Finally, you can just take them directly to a Goodwill, Savers, Salvation Army or other local thrift stores. Find a list at

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BLOG: Living Frugal And Happy

1) Don’t buy what you can get for free
There are many ways to get free things. Your friends and family can give things they don’t need anymore to you, like furniture and clothes. In an increasingly environmental-conscious world websites pop up where people offer things they don’t need anymore, which you can pick up for free, for example Besides these two great options you can find lots of free stuff through dumpster diving, where you pick up stuff people don’t want anymore. Try it, and you will be surprised what kind of stuff people throw away.

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The Fast Company : Craigslist is quietly changing how much Americans throw away

Craigslist is the best-known website for buying and selling, or simply giving away, used stuff. Others include Freecycle, LetGo, Gumtree, and OLX.

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Internet Scout: The Scout Report Volume 24 Number 25

The familiar slogan “reduce, reuse, recycle” reminds our consumption-driven society to be mindful of our waste, but recycling frequently receives the bulk of the attention. The Freecycle Network (TFN) offers an avenue for the reuse of working items whose current owners no longer need or want them. The way it works is fairly straightforward: after finding their local group and creating a free membership, users can post listings of items they want to give away (items must be “free, legal and appropriate for all ages”), respond to others’ offers of items, or even post a request for an item they’re looking for. TFN’s emphasis on reuse upholds its mission “to build a worldwide sharing movement that reduces waste, saves precious resources & eases the burden on our landfills while enabling our members to benefit from the strength of a larger community.” Following its beginnings as a grassroots organization started by Deron Beal in 2003, TFN is registered as a nonprofit in Arizona and as a charity in the UK. As of this writing, TFN is made up of more than 5,300 local groups run by volunteer moderators in over 110 countries, for a total of more than 9.3 million members worldwide. [JDC

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BOOK: Give and Take by Adam Grant

Nice little excerpt from a bestselling book!

The Daily News Of Newburyport:Boomer Talk: Is it time to downsize, or ‘right size’?

Freecycle is an online network ( where one’s trash becomes another’s treasure, and no money is exchanged.

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