• The Freecycle Network: This forum emphasizes keeping items out of landfills, so members give away unwanted items, rather than pitch them. Search Freecycle.org to find a group near you.
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• The Freecycle Network: This forum emphasizes keeping items out of landfills, so members give away unwanted items, rather than pitch them. Search Freecycle.org to find a group near you.
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Karen Yoho of Greenbelt, Md., has had many pianos pass through her life. She played piano as a child and acquired her first piano through Freecycle in 2008. She paid $100 to move it, hoping that she might take it up again and that her 6-year-old daughter Mary Alyce might show an interest. Neither happened, so in 2012, when Yoho saw a “piano wanted” posting on Freecycle, she gave it away. In 2015, she picked up another free piano from her neighbor, splitting the $150 moving charge to roll it down the sidewalk. “I was hoping this piano would become a member of the family,” she says. But a year later, it was getting no love, so she gave it away.
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Other apps to familiarise yourself with include, freecycle a non-profit movement of people who give (and receive) stuff for free in their own neighbourhoods. Also check out homeexchange.com, trustedhousesitters.com and couchsurfing, all offering ways to travel without paying a cent.
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Consider camping: Tent camping — not “camping” in a luxury class A motorcoach — can save you a ton of money on lodging. You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot on gear, either, says Waechter. Check out ebay, Freecycle or Craigslist for gently used equipment.
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The idea for a store where everything is donated and everything is free started with a phone call from Tucson businessman Aaron Polley to his friend Deborah “Debbie” Mitchell.
Mitchell loved the idea from the beginning and signed on immediately.
She called Deron Beal, the brains behind Freecycle.org, a place where people can connect online to offer items they no longer want for free, thus keeping them out of landfills.
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The Freecycle Network: This forum emphasizes keeping items out of landfills, so members give away unwanted items, rather than pitch them. Search Freecycle.org to find a group near you.
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The city advises planning ahead. “Don’t wait until the last minute and then throw everything in the garbage or our streets,” it said in the advisory.
Items can also be taken directly to the city Transfer Station at 1201 Second St.
Recycle acceptable items and use sites such as Craigslist, Freecycle or Nextdoor to find takers for items that can legitimately be re-used.
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And what about sporting gear? It’s hard to imagine how weights can go bad. And it’s easy to imagine how many people are trying to get out from under them on sites like Craigslist or Freecycle.
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It pays to hunt on Neighbourly, Freecycle and Facebook Marketplace to find free furniture that people no longer want. My entire lounge at my previous flat was furnished with four floral couches, which cost just $35.
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The Freecycle Network: This forum emphasizes keeping items out of landfills, so members give away unwanted items, rather than pitch them. Search Freecycle.org to find a group near you.
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