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USA Today: 12 new rules for back-to-school shopping

11. Consider second-hand.

Besides stops at the thrift store and, some families with one eye on shaving costs and another on the environment are turning to the Freecycle Network ( This grass-roots, non-profit group encourages folks to give away stuff they don’t need and get stuff they do. This, in turn, keeps the stuff out of landfills. “It’s perceived to be as good for your pocketbook as it is for the environment,” Zandl says.

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WBXH: Reusing and recycling 101

Going Above and Beyond
While waste reduction starts at home, communities nationwide are forming around the premise that less is more. Freecycle ( — started in Tucson, Ariz., before spreading throughout the U.S. — helps people be the best possible reusers. Through the Freecycle network, members are able to donate — or pick up — used products, such as appliances, furniture, toys and bikes.

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