Post by Category : “about us”

Hazelwood Patch: Freecycle: Every Thrifty Mom’s Dream

If you are like me, you’re giddy with delight when you stumble across a great deal at a yard sale, on Craigslist, or even at Goodwill. Perhaps you’re a coupon queen, and consistently clip and utilize coupons, beaming with pride after trips to the grocery store that don’t break the bank.

Maybe you’re not even ashamed to admit that you’ve stopped to pick up “bargains” you’ve spotted on the side of the road. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, after all.

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Galileo: Montag: Mensch vs. Maschine

Schnell vorwärts 33 zu Freecycle Information aufsetzen.

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The Guardian: Money Saving money Money-saving tips from America … road tested by penny-pinching Brits

■ Discover Freecycle.

We are big fans of this idea – if you are moving home, Freecycle is a brilliant source of free furniture and equipment that you might not be able to afford to buy new. The people running the local sites can be pedantic about the way the ads are worded, though, and there are often many more people wanting things than offering them. You will need to be quick if you see something you like.

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Stourbridge News: Black Country people urged to recycle the high-tech way

DUDLEY Council is urging people to take a hi-tech approach to giving unwanted items a second lease of life.

The website Freecycle allows people to advertise items which may otherwise be dumped in landfill for other site users to collect.

The Dudley Freecycle group has more than 12,000 members, items recently offered include an extending table with four chairs, house bricks and a steel pedal bin.

For more information visit

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MauiTime Weekly:Freecycle Day At Baldwin High

You don’t need to contribute to our island’s landfill problems just because you have stuff that needs to go. Instead, how about donating all that useless but otherwise still viable hardware to the recycling day at Baldwin High School?

Hammerhead Recycling and Community Work Day Program have hui’d together to coordinate this day of sustainability with several other of the island’s recycling agencies. On Saturday, Feb. 25, bring scrap metal, bicycles, appliances, beverage containers, cooking oil, cellular phones, household batteries, vehicle batteries, laptop batteries, printer cartridges, newspaper, cardboard, telephone books, magazines, plastic grocery bags, used eye glasses, hearing aids, books, reusable paint, clothing and other household items to the high school between 8am and 2pm. You will be rid of these items, and keep them out of the landfill.

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Business Insider: Here’s Your Guide To Getting Discounts On Just About Anything

Freecycle. Freecycle allows you to get items for free that other people no longer want. There are around 5,000 Freecycle groups and over eight million members throughout the world. The price can’t be beat, but the site may not have what you are looking for and popular items are snatched up quickly.

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Elmhurst Patch: Freecycle Is a Gift that Keeps on Giving

What do you do when you need to part with the frozen turkey taking up much needed space in your freezer? What about the free infant formula you received in the mail after the birth of your breastfed baby? Have empty moving boxes you can’t justify throwing away? Post them on Freecycle.

The Freecycle Network is a grassroots and nonprofit community gifting movement. Made up of thousands of local groups, Freecycle promotes reuse through local gifting among members. Members have the opportunity to give and get items for free, in an effort to keep unnecessary waste out of landfills.

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La Parisienne: Au lieu de jeter, donnez !

« Don après don, nous changeons le monde ». Derrière ce slogan aux accents utopistes, il s’agit d’une démarche tout ce qu’il y a de plus pragmatique : au lieu de jeter, donnez! C’est le credo des Freecycle (« free » comme gratuit, « cycle » comme recycler), un mouvement né aux Etats-Unis, qui fait une percée en France.
En 2003, lassé du spectacle des décharges encombrées d’objets réutilisables, Deron Beal, un habitant de Tucson, dans l’Arizona, a créé le premier groupe Freecycle avec des amis. Neuf ans plus tard, il compte près de 9 millions d’adeptes dans le monde, — ils sont déjà 45 000 en France, dont plus de 10 000 en région parisienne.

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Trib Local Elmhurst: Freecycle Is a Gift That Keeps On Giving

What do you do when you need to part with the frozen turkey taking up much needed space in your freezer? What about the free infant formula you received in the mail after the birth of your breastfed baby? Have empty moving boxes you can’t justify throwing away? Post them on Freecycle.

The Freecycle Network is a grassroots and nonprofit community gifting movement. Made up of thousands of local groups, Freecycle promotes reuse through local gifting among members. Members have the opportunity to give and get items for free, in an effort to keep unnecessary waste out of landfills.

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Radio New Zealand:Sunday, 7 August 2011: The Moneyless Economy

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