Post by Category : “about us”

Alpine Avalanche: Event to promote “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” approach

November 15 is America Recycles Day, and across the nation, thousands of local events will be held to promote and celebrate recycling in the U.S. Recycling has become a multi-billion dollar industry in this country, and no matter what your politics, recycling helps create green jobs, reduces litter and what goes in landfills, and protects our natural resources.

This year in Alpine, we will be promoting “FreeCycling” as a fun and easy way to recycle things you no longer need. The mission of FreeCycle is to keep usable items out of the landfill. It is estimated that FreeCycle groups are helping to keep 500 tons a day from reaching landfills around the world.

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Shift Frequency: Laura Bruno ~ Freecycle

I first discovered freecycle several years ago while living in Northern California. After having relocated from Sedona Arizona and given away much of our furniture, I wondered if we could be on the receiving end of so much abundance. While married, I moved every 2-12 months — usually around the 6 month mark — so I have given away a lot of furniture in my day! I figured I could balance the scales a bit by appearing when someone else needed to relieve themselves of stuff. I forget how I found freecycle, but I love the idea that one person’s junk can become another’s treasure. After receiving an armoire and recliner chair, I decided to list some of our items that hadn’t found a place in our new California home. I loved this zero money exchange that blessed both parties by clearing energy out the old and invigorating the new. I also loved that freecycle kept many perfectly usable (but less likely to sell) items out of the landfill.

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Down To Earth: Champion of recyclers

On May 1, 2003, Deron Beal, an American engineer, sent an e-mail to 40 friends and a handful of non-profits in Tucson, Arizona. The e-mail led to the formation of the Freecycle Network, which provided recycling services to businesses in Tucson.

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Malaysia Star: Swap, don’t junk

You just need to ask

Another swapping network that has been gaining popularity in Malaysia is The Freecycle Network (TFN).

Tagged as “a free version of eBay”, TFN is a non-profit cyber movement where members can give or get stuff for free within their local communities. It promotes reuse, which is one way to reduce waste and save our environment.

The Freecycle group has its own e-mail group and volunteer moderator in its individual city, town or district. Once you register as a member with the local group, you can post a message on anything that you want to give away, or receive messages on what other people are giving away. If you are interested in any item, all you need is to request for it. The moderator will match the requester with the giver through e-mail.

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Living Green Magazine:Freecycle: Find a New Home for Items You Want to Recycle

The American way of life seems to revolve around “stuff;” what you have and how much you have of it. But when it’s time to get rid of some of this “stuff” to replace it with new or to just free up some space in your home, it can be a challenge.

What if no one you know wants to take the stuff, stores like Goodwill are full, it’s not garage sale season, and you don’t want to simply throw it in a landfill? Then may be a great solution.

The Freecycle Network is not just a site, it’s a community of people giving and receiving good use items for free. The site has over 5,000 groups made up of over 8 million users. A “group” is a community that someone can join. The group’s geography is a person’s city or county. Besides the U.S., there are 122 other countries on The Freecycle Network.

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Medfield Patch: Medfield Recycles and … Freecycles

Medfield resident Rose Caira is an avid recycler and … Freecycler.

Freecycle is a Yahoo community group that offers a way for people to give their no-longer-needed items with strangers who might need them. It also offers a forum in which people can request items for which they might be looking.

Caira is a member of the Walpole/Norwood/Foxborough/Sharon group. Medfield does not have its own group.

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News Channel 7: Gives People A Way to Recycle, Shop and Help Those in Need

We all have things lying around the house we are looking to get rid, so if you don’t want it, post it.

That’s the theory behind a website called It’s a non-profit site.

Post something you don’t want to help someone else, because you never know when you might need that little bit of extra help.

“You can see anywhere from baby formula to baby bottles to furniture for your house,” Jymel Jackson said.

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Lincoln courier: ReClaim, ReCycle, ReConstruct

The ReClaimer is certainly not alone in this mindset. Today’s ReClaimer Blog will put a spotlight on The Freecycle Network(TM).

A concept that was launched in one city in the United States (US) has since grown to international and global scope. In May of 2003, Freecycle founder Deron Beal organized an online email group of contacts representing a group of non-profit organizations in Tucson, Arizona. The online contact network was necessary to streamline and make highly efficient a previously time-consuming process of offering unwanted or donated items to multiple organizations in the Tucson area. Originally fostered by the organization RISE, which at the time provided recycling services to downtown Tucson businesses, The Freecycling Network (TM) grew into a online network that now spans the globe and has incorporated the efforts of individuals and groups in 85 countries.

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Marlborough Patch: Donation and recycling resources in Marlborough

1) Freecycle: Freecycle is an online community of people who are interested in giving or obtaining usable items. If you have something that you don’t need but is clean and in working condition, post it on Freecycle and often you will find a new home for it by the end of the day. To join Freecycle, visit, search for the Marlborough, Hudson, and Sudbury group, and follow the instructions to join the group. Once the moderator has approved your membership, you can offer something to the group, and after your item has been picked up, you can offer more things or accept things too. Our family uses Freecyle often to recycle children’s toys and books, and I was able to borrow a music stand for my son. It’s a friendly group, and you might even meet a neighbor there.

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Walpole Patch: Freecycle Group in Walpole Looks to Keep Unwanted Items Out of Landfills

Freecycle, a Yahoo community group that offers a way to share your no-longer-needed items with strangers who may need them, and also offers a forum for you to request items for which you might be looking.

“It’s a great organization, and its mission, which is to keep usable items out of our landfills, has both global and local impact,” said Linda Kennedy, who started the Walpole/Norwood/Foxborough/Sharon group in 2004 after moving to Walpole.

She started Freecycling in 2003 when she lived in Watertown; she was dismayed to see a similar group did not exist in Walpole.

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