Post by Category : US West Coast

SF Gate: Clutter? Tips from pros to help you regain control of your stuff

Your trash, someone’s treasure

Lisa Mark of the Time Butler ( cautions that selling slows down the purging process. She encourages clients to donate. Some favorite sites:

The Freecycle Network, as well as the free lists on Craigslist. Bonus: Items listed tend to go fairly quickly.,

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Daily Breeze:South Bay Parenting: Craigslist, Freecycle give goods new lives

Before the Internet, you had a few choices for offloading unwanted stuff, including garage sales, donating it to a charity or tossing it.

But Craigslist, Freecycle and similar websites have given us another option: offering up waste to complete strangers, which is at least better than adding to landfills and may help someone in need if that someone happens to need a bag full of used wine corks.

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Santa Barbara View: EcoFacts: More on Sharing

A valuable sharing resource local to thousands of communities, is, which is moderated locally by volunteers. I have enjoyed this service as both a giver and receiver. ”Freecycle performs many wonderful functions: building bonds and community, keeping material items from the landfills, and redeeming the clutter that consumes by moving it forward to a new, productive life.” I’ve been amazed by the specific items posted and gratefully taken – the old one person’s trash is another’s treasure thing. But items of value are also offered, maybe because the transaction feels better, cleaner, than attaching a price and posting it on Craigslist. It’s generosity among neighbors in the larger sense.

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The Reporter: Letter: Solano residents can share plants, seeds

Ten years ago, I brought Deron Beal’s Freecycle ( group’s method of giving and getting usable items to Vacaville. This year, I’ve created a group to share plants within Solano and Yolo counties.

How many times have we, as homeowners and renters, filled our green bins with plants that we’ve pulled from our garden just because we don’t know anyone who would want them?

How many seeds have we seen ready to harvest, only to ignore? After failing to give away my extra iris bulbs, it dawned on me. “There is a need here,” just as there had been for Freecycle.

With the ease of social networking, a seed-sharing movement is evolving. In fact, I recently read about a seed-sharing library in Vallejo. With further research, I discovered many towns around the world are holding seed-sharing events.

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Palo Alto Online: Out with the old and in with the ‘new’

One person is looking for a rocking chair for a newborn baby.

Another, a tote bag to carry a pet guinea pig. One person offers up a nearly new yoga mat; another, a “large-ish cardboard box” that is “not sturdy enough for shipping but great for summer fun with kids.”

Welcome to Freecycle, a grassroots “cyber curbside” where people can drop off unused items and others can pick them up — for free.

As an environmentally motivated, volunteer-based nonprofit, Freecycle sets itself apart from other similar websites, such as Craigslist, said the organization’s founder, Deron Beal.

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Sierra Sun: Be a freecycler in Tahoe Truckee

TAHOE/TRUCKEE, Calif. — “Freecylcing” is a way to get rid of things kicking around your house and of no use to you. Instead of paying the garbage company to carry them away, post your items online at and someone else might just need them. We had a box of old random ceramic tiles in our garage. These were the “extra” tiles they always give you in case one should break on your bathroom or kitchen countertop. We posted them and they were gone by the next day. We have also given away fabric remnants, old National Geographics, twin-sized sheets for college-sized twin beds, and a perfectly good inkjet printer that didn’t have the correct connection for our new laptop

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TechHive: Get back to your roots with vintage video games

Where to buy

Freecycle and Craigslist are two great places to get started. Freecycle is a network of thousands of members-only mailing lists, localized by geographical region. Members give stuff away for free to others who can use that stuff. The goal: Keep things out of landfills by encouraging reuse. I’ve used the service before to snag stuff like vintage Macs and a Commodore Amiga, complete with a big crate of classic Amiga games. The online classified service Craigslist is also a great place to find stuff for free or at a very low cost from people looking to make space in their family room.

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Record-Searchlight: Nerd Chick Adventures: Re-purpose old gadgets to get years’ more use out of them

Re-gifting and donating are generous options. Grandma doesn’t need something so fancy just to surf the Internet. Consider donating to your child’s school or your local parish. Free Cycle Network ( is a cool way to link up with needy individuals in your area. People list their “needs” and you connect with them through the website. If you can’t find someone who needs what you have, post an “offer” for someone to take the gadget off your hands.

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Bayside Patch:Keep Unwanted Junk Out Of Landfills Freecycle is an online community where all goods are offered and taken for free to keep usable items out of landfills. You can post something you’d like to give away, or put up a posting for something you’d like to have. Freecycle forms networks by town, so check out their website and search for a group in your area.

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Monterey County Herald: Kathryn McKenzie: Focus on living sustainably

And if it is an actual need, I look for another way to get it before I decide to buy it new. I peruse eBay and Craigslist; I look in The Herald’s classified ads to see if a used one is being sold. I check Freecycle ( to see if possibly someone is giving one away.

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