Post by Category : US West Coast

Camarillo Acorn: Public surplus, bartering sites and Freecycle

Another online reuse matching community,, has as its slogan “Changing the world, one gift at a time.”

Among the items on the Freecycle page for the Ventura area are “hundreds of recorded cassettes” offered in Oak View and a set of dishes offered in Camarillo.

Listings are fresh, with nothing older than two weeks.

Listings in Freecycle are different from those one might see on a website like Craigslist or eBay, where people list in order to sell.

Join Cupertino Freecycle to help us reduce landfill!

From books to furniture to school supplies and kitchen utensils, we are finding new homes for unwanted items in our community and reducing landfill. A wide variety of items can be claimed or posted in this site, absolutely free! Come join us as we reduce the environmental impact of our waste as we help others find items they need! All you need is an email address. We hope to see you soon!

San Mateo Daily Journal: 7 tips for becoming an ethical shopper


When you choose previously owned items, you aren’t contributing to the labor and materials needed to make new goods. Check thrift shops, garage sales and community groups like the Freecycle Network for inexpensive — or free — finds. Another sustainable solution? Rent clothes through services like Tote and Rent the Runway.

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The Oakland Press: How being neighborly can save you money

• The Freecycle Network: This forum emphasizes keeping items out of landfills, so members give away unwanted items, rather than pitch them. Search to find a group near you.

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SFGATE: City Seeks To Curb Illegal Dumping As Uc Semester Ends

The city advises planning ahead. “Don’t wait until the last minute and then throw everything in the garbage or our streets,” it said in the advisory.

Items can also be taken directly to the city Transfer Station at 1201 Second St.

Recycle acceptable items and use sites such as Craigslist, Freecycle or Nextdoor to find takers for items that can legitimately be re-used.

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Simi Valley Acorn: The blessings of giving

I’ve been a part of the Freecycle group for over a decade. For seven years now we have been doing an “adopt-a-family” event at Christmas.

What we do is find families in need and “adopt” them. Then, with the help of others in the Freecycle group, friends, family and local businesses, we get donations of gently used and new clothing and toys.

Once everything is gathered we have a wrapping party. All the gifts are sorted and wrapped. A few days before Christmas we deliver to the families.

For some it is a little uncomfortable or embarrassing when we arrive. It isn’t easy asking for help. But they relax as we are there.

We usually have the kids open one present and they can save the rest for Christmas morning.

This year we did something different and picked two senior citizens, sometimes a forgotten part of or community, especially if they do not have living family.

The point of the Simi Valley Freecycle group is to keep things out of the landfill by recycling & repurposing.

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Morgan Hill Times: Give your stuff another chance during South Countys Second Chance Week

—Freecycle Day Sept. 15: Freecycle helps reduce waste by connecting people who are throwing away unwanted items with others seeking the same items. There are freecycle groups in both Morgan Hill and Gilroy. Visit and click “Join Now” to sign up.

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Santa Rosa Press Democrat: An organized move: Finding free moving boxes

Freecycle – Freecycle is a grassroots organization built on the idea of people in an area giving away stuff for free that they don’t need. The network has gotten extremely large and can be a great place to find stuff, including boxes for moving. You need to sign up first and then post what you are looking for.

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Las Vegas Review-Journal: 31 best websites for free stuff

5. The Freecycle Network

The Freecycle Network is made up of nearly 9 million members worldwide. It is dedicated to enabling members to get and give stuff for free in order to put goods to their most efficient use — and keep usable items out of landfills. This nonprofit describes itself as a “grassroots movement,” and local volunteer moderators help handle network activity to keep exchanges safe and posts accurate. Membership is free.

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Las Vegas Review:5 strange ways to save money that actually work

. Join the Freecycle Movement

The Freecycling movement has been around for more than a decade now, and it’s the act of giving away your stuff instead of throwing it away. It’s a huge money saver; the idea is that you’re not spending money on things you don’t need. Instead, you’re recycling (or freecycling) them.

To get started, you can check out one of the many freecycling organizations out there — The Freecycle Network, FreeSharing and FreeUse — and see if there are meetings in your area.

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