Post by Category : News Articles

Fort Smith Times Record:Sites Accept E-Cycle Items

• Working electronic items can be offered for giveaway on the website The site hosts localized participant groups for Sebastian County and several nearby communities, including Franklin, Scott, Polk and Johnson counties.

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Derbyshire Times: Recycle in 2012 – council urges

For any residents not on a garden waste collection round, trees should be taken to the nearest household waste recycling centre or any local DIY retailer or garden centre that is running a tree recycling scheme. The District Council is also encouraging local people to take any unwanted gifts or old items to a charity shop or make them available online at to find them a new home locally.

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TheDigitel: Looking to declutter in 2012, here are a few options

Freecycle allows you to list an item you have to give or need. No money can be exchanged for the products and the mission of the organization is to keep as much bulk out of landfills as possible. The Sun News’ Weekly Surge has a nice article on Freecycle that’s definitely worth a read.

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WDBJ7: Turning trash into treasure

Many of us have decided to bring in the New Year with less clutter by cleaning out the closets, the garage and if you’re brave enough, even the attic.

Before you throw anything away, there’s a group that’s making it easy to give and receive items for free.

It’s an international nonprofit organization called The Freecycle Network with nearly nine million members across the globe.

Their mission is to keep as many items as possible, especially electronics, out of landfills.

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Daily Mail: Welcome to our austerity home: Couple completely make over their house with reclaimed goods that cost them next to nothing

Trawling charity shops and tips, and searching on websites Gumtree, Freecycle and eBay, the pair managed to create an incredible home from items no-one wanted.

What would have cost about £35,000 using new materials has been done for under £3,000 – albeit with thousands of man-hours.

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Gilroy Patch: Where to Sell or Donate Old Electronics in Gilroy

If you can’t find any takers or you just don’t want to bother with selling them, you can always give them away. Freecycle’s Gilroy group is incredibly busy with people requesting things or offering items. You can browse through recent postings to see if anyone has requested the item you no longer need, or offer it to the group.

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Kingswood People: Tips for recycling after Christmas

The council is also warning us that any waste left by the side of or on the top of our bin won’t be collected.

And did you receive any unwanted Christmas presents? Then here’s a good tip – why not swap it for something that Santa didn’t bring you – try Freecycle.

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Pendle Today: ‘Freecycle’ is 2012 message of Pendle environment campaigner

And before you throw anything away, consider if it could be recycled or useful to somebody else.

“You can list unwanted items on the freecycle website, where instead of throwing away goods, people are offered them free.”

Coun. Jonathan Eyre, Pendle Council’s Climate Change Champion, is urging Pendle residents to follow David’s lead.

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Daily Mail: If you really want to save money – avoid the sales!

Meanwhile, any serious bargain babes are already on Freecycle — which matches people who have things they want to get rid of with people who can use them, with the aim of keeping useable items out of landfills. I owe it for my solid wood dining table; my daughter owes it for her immaculate Hotpoint washer and dryer. And not a penny spent.

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OldTownAlexandria Patch: Green and Simple: The Cycle of Giving

Freecycle is another option that enables one to get rid of things individually or in bulk. Just post a message online to your local Freecycle list and eager seekers will take items off your hands, often within a day! I’ve gotten some truly wonderful treasures from Freecycle, which makes me even more eager to share things.

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