Post by Category : News Articles

The Debrief: How To Furnish Your Entire House for Just £50

Freecycle? Nah mate I don’t really do bike rides.
When my cousin asked me if I’d heard of Freecycle I genuinely thought she was talking about some charity bike ride taking place across London, she then redirected me to what heaven would look like if it was online. Freecycle is a website where people give away stuff they don’t want anymore. They just GIVE IT AWAY for FREE! Admittedly this is better if you have a car to go and pick up your goodies in, but you can hire a man with a van for as little as £20 to do this for you. Through Freecycle we all managed to find bed frames that came with brand new mattresses and a couch for our living room! See? This whole furnishing a house malarkey isn’t actually that hard. It’s also worth checking out sites like Gumtree, Preloved and Snaffleup as again people often advertise a lot of furniture for free or at a fraction of the cost they paid for.

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Daily Finance: FreeBay Sites: Your Way to Get Rid Of, Get Stuff for Free

A mobile home, pianos, furniture and TVs are just some of the treasures available for free on sites like Craigslist,,, and The Freecycle Network. These sites — sometimes nicknamed “FreeBay” — are a boon to those needing to declutter, struggling financially or seeking the unusual. Like Forrest Gump’s proverbial box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.

How Freecycling Works

Membership is free, and guidelines are fairly simple. For The Freecycle Network, it’s as simple as posting what you want or are giving away. In general, luck favors those responding to offers of free items rather than those seeking a particular item. I recently sought bookcases on two local freecycle Yahoo (YHOO) groups — but nary a nibble. However, I posted to get rid of some items when I moved last summer, and people picked up the items promptly and gratefully. Let’s look at some sites:

Read more Short on funds? Get to know these two friends: Freecycle and Barter

Let’s look at FreeCycle, first. While this wonderful organization’s avowed purpose is to keep as many discarded items out of the landfills as possible, rather than to make free stuff available, in the course of fulfilling their mission, they supply a lot of people, and especially moms, with items their households need—at no cost. Go to to find the group nearest you. (If there is none, consider starting a group in your area.)

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Daily Herald:The Penny Pincher: Everyday savings

If you’re anything like me, or even if not, these tips are perfect for you! Dubbed “15 Ways to Save Money Everyday,” I found this pin on Pinterest while scoping out some more simple ways to cut back, and I love what I found!

Though not all of the 15 tips will work for everyone, simple things like staying at home more, packing your own food for outings and utilizing resources such as Freecycle and yard sales can add up to some major savings.

Peruse the list and see what works best for you!

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Freecycle: Yine bir değiş tokuş sistemi. İstanbul ve Ankara’da aktifler.

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The Potts Merc: Birdsboro mom collects toys for 52 families

Birdsboro>> Spencer Novak knows what it is like to struggle during the holidays to make ends meet.

While she was going through a hard time a few years ago she came across Freecycle sites that helped her make ends meet and even give Christmas presents to her loved ones. Now the 25-year-old Birdsboro resident runs her own Freecycle group which has evolved into a massive toy drive this holiday season.

“I have a Facebook site, Free Help for Everyone, where we collect donations and pick up donations and there were a few families that I knew of having a hard time getting stuff for Christmas,” Novak said. “I thought I would try collecting toys for them, for a few families.”

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SF Gate: Clutter? Tips from pros to help you regain control of your stuff

Your trash, someone’s treasure

Lisa Mark of the Time Butler ( cautions that selling slows down the purging process. She encourages clients to donate. Some favorite sites:

The Freecycle Network, as well as the free lists on Craigslist. Bonus: Items listed tend to go fairly quickly.,

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Cosmopolitan UK: 12 New Year’s resolutions every student should be making

11. Learn something new

We know you’re already paying 9k to do this in seminars, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try and learn some things outside of the classroom too. Check out Gumtree/Freecycle/the union pinboard and you’ll probably find someone for someone who needs to get rid of their instrument/craft supplies/foreign language dictionaries or similar. Once you’ve got your mitts on the kit, hit Youtube for free tutorials, and you might just get yourself a brand new skill for next to nothing.

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Daily Echo: Have yourself a GREEN Christmas

Christmas gifts

Christmas is the season of giving, but there are ways to take part that won’t cost you – or the earth – the earth.

If you don’t want the jumper that’s several sizes too big, someone will.

If you can’t exchange your unwanted gifts you can donate them to charity or offer them on websites such as Freecycle.

Instead of buying a gift which comes from halfway around the world, buy an experience, such as a horse riding lesson, or sponsor an animal as a charity gift.

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Huffington Post: Taking the Green Approach: Four Ways to Reuse Your Old Mattress

Use Facebook, or any social network, to see if anyone you know is in need of a mattress. Post on your local Craigslist to see if anyone is in need of a new mattress. The Freecycle organization is another great place to find people potentially looking for a bed.

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