Post by Category : “about us”

Green Valley News: Freecycle! Exchange of used treasures a hit in GV, Sahuarita

Few left empty-handed Saturday from Green Valley library’s first “Freecycle” event held as part of a Pima County Post Holiday Swap of free stuff.

True to its name, there were some holiday-themed items in the mix — all brought by winter visitors, year-round residents, out-of-towners and grandparents with kids in tow. Everybody learned more about the recycling concept and maybe even got some grins trying on wigs, handmade scarves, hats and other things that materialized.

Read more Enter the Lazyweb: How to get freebies and your work done for you, using only a browser

Freecycle is a UK-based online commuity that lets people give their unwanted stuff away for free to anyone in the local area. Sign up to your town or borough’s Freecycle group and you’ll receive email digests from your neighbours.

Of course, most of the time it’ll be people giving away power cords and leaflets, but every now and then there’ll be a genuine find.

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Scottish Daily Record: Mum saved £10k in a year to save home she shares with two boys

Home furnishings

“WE had just moved into our new house when I lost my business so we hardly had any furniture,” said Elaine.

She turned to giveaway website, where she was astonished to find quality furniture that cost nothing.

“I got pine furniture and beds for the boys’ rooms, which would have cost around £750 to buy new,” she said.

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WDBJ7: Turning trash into treasure

Many of us have decided to bring in the New Year with less clutter by cleaning out the closets, the garage and if you’re brave enough, even the attic.

Before you throw anything away, there’s a group that’s making it easy to give and receive items for free.

It’s an international nonprofit organization called The Freecycle Network with nearly nine million members across the globe.

Their mission is to keep as many items as possible, especially electronics, out of landfills.

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Cambridge News: Ways we avoided adding to landfill

Behind our garage were some vegetable beds which had been well-nourished over the years, so further satisfaction came from reading on Freecycle that a young couple needed some top soil to fill in their own garden where a path used to be. They were pleased to fill the boot of their estate car several times over and I stopped grieving about building over my beloved vegetable garden

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TidBITS: Be a Freecycle Santa

Several years ago, I raved about how quick and satisfying it was to dispose of old and potentially dodgy electronics via the Freecycle Network, a loose affiliation of mailing-list based groups of people who exchange reusable goods for free (see “Freecycle: Disposing of Good Old Stuff,” 6 August 2007). Every so often since, I resubscribe to the Ithaca Freecycle list whenever I come across something that I’d far rather give away than throw away — a portable chair that didn’t fit either me or Tonya, an old tabletop that was taking up space in the garage, a houseplant that had outgrown our living room, and so on.

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The Republic: Retire to smarter spending: 9 tips for greater savings, more satisfying spending in retirement

9. Think secondhand.

Borrow, swap or hit garage sales and thrift stores. Make a habit of checking your local version of Freecycle, , a nonprofit network focused on “keeping good stuff out of landfills,” or check the listings for free and secondhand items on Craigslist.

This approach is at the core of the eco-friendly principles of reduce, reuse and recycle. It can make retirees feel good while protecting their pocketbook.

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The Stir: How to Make Your Toddler’s Holiday Without Breaking the Bank

Try Freecycle: If you’ve never Freecycled, well, you must. It’s basically like Craigslist, except everything is free (the only other difference is that donations are delivered, you generally have to pick up whatever you want). Over 5,000 cities have Freecycle groups, so chances are there’s one in your area, and parents are always unloading barely used toys, clothes, books, and more. Score!

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Tucson Citizen: Post-Holiday Freecycle Swap to the rescue at Pima County Public Library branches

New year, fresh start.

How do you get rid of those things that you don’t use anymore but that are still perfectly usable?

Pima County Public Library is partnering with Freecycle™ to present the second annual free Post-Holiday Swap on Saturday, Jan. 7, from 2 to 4 p.m. at eight library branches.

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Columbia Basin Herald: Freecycle takes aim at unwanted stuff

MOSES LAKE – If your budget is tighter than usual or you are looking to help with the environment, there is an option with Grant County Freecycle.

The Yahoo! web group is geared toward anyone from the resident looking rid themselves of that somewhat battered but still comfy couch, to the new parent searching out gently worn baby clothes boxed up in someone else’s basement.

The concept is simple. People sign up to receive messages about items up for grabs or to post their own unwanted stuff. Group members communicate directly with each other via email, and make arrangements for pickup or delivery when they see something they like.

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