Bucks Free Press: OPINION: Colin Baker – Clearing out the ‘man drawer’

Until you discover Freecycle. What a greatbrilliant initiative. I know some people have reason to want to realise some cash for their unwanted goods, but many of us just want to get rid of them and find the process less painful because they are going where they are really wanted.

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Greenfield Daily Reporter: Column: Recycling

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Atlanta Journal Constitution: More than 12 easy ways going green in Atlanta can save you money

Join the Freecycle Network and get (and give) free stuff.

The Freecycle Network is a nonprofit movement of people dedicated to keeping good items out of landfills. With several groups in metro Atlanta, you can find things such as TVs, toys, children’s clothing, furniture — even free packing boxes. The Freecycle Network is made up of 5,286 groups with 9,127,254 members around the world. Each local group is moderated by volunteers. Membership is free. https://www.freecycle.org/

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CapitalFm Kenya: 3 Ways to score home decorating bargains

You may also want to consider neighbourhood Freecycle groups. These are group in which people who want to get rid of items give them away for free. Of course there is a good possibility that furniture and home décor offered through Freecycle could use refurbishing but, if you enjoy a little DIY, you never know what kind of gems you can find.

Happy decorating!

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Boston Globe: Moving boxes come full circle

In August 2014, we moved from the Washington, D.C., area to Somerville. After we unpacked, we gave away the surviving boxes on Freecycle.

Fast-forward to our next move, in December 2015. “Wanted: larger moving boxes” we posted on Freecycle. The next day, we were picking up half a dozen boxes from a nearby porch.

One of them had our handwriting on it: It was a box we’d used to move up here, reused at least twice in the interim. What goes around comes around.

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HuffPost: How Much Enough Is Enough?

I admit to owning close to 100 pairs of shoes and that I could go for a couple of months of not doing laundry before I’d run out of clean underwear. I live in an age of super abundance, and it is this super abundance that helps organization like The Freecycle Network thrive and keeps Goodwill stores stocked with merchandise. (If you’ve never heard of Freecycle, it is a free member-organization where people post items they have extra of or would like to donate and others post what they need to see if anyone can fulfill that need. The objective is to keep stuff out of landfills.)

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FT.com: Fruits of frugality: how to restore a greenhouse on a tiny budget

A cheaper option may be Gumtree or Freecycle — a website where people give things away. Freecycle is inevitably random — new posts recently ranged from rose bushes and an upright piano to square crockery, 30 bags of plaster and costume jewellery. But while the rain pours down, I have time to wait.

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efficycle.fr.: 2015 en 365 initiatives

Pour la 4ème année consécutive, nous avons l’immense plaisir de vous présenter notre sélection des 365 initiatives qui ont le plus marqué l’année par leurs actions concrètes et positives. Qu’elles émanent d’entreprises, d’associations, de territoires ou de citoyens, ces 365 initiatives sont une source d’inspiration et un bol d’air frais pour toutes celles et ceux qui voient le monde en mutation sous le spectre du respect des Hommes et de la Nature.

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Chicago Blog: Freecycle- The Do’s and Don’ts

Here is my advice to you when using Freecycle:

DO-Respond to any emails you receive from the person with the stuff immediately.

DO-Do make sure you are able to pick it up in a timely manner. No one wants to warehouse things.

DO-If possible ask if they can leave in on their porch or entry way for you to retrieve.

Don’t- Don’t waste peoples time.

Don’t-Go back and forth trying to figure out how to retrieve the item. Have your ducks in a row before you ask for the item.

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The Maitland Mercury:The simple act of giving can make such a difference

Gillieston Heights man Paul Clyne is leading by example when it comes to promoting the value of sharing and giving.
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He is the administrator of Freecycle.org, a website that allows people to advertise items that they are willing to give away for free to a good home.

During his time with the website, Mr Clyne has repaired and given away about 130 computers to Hunter ­residents who didn’t have the means to go out and buy the latest laptop, gizmo or gadget.

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