A great message including an interview with Deron

A great message including an interview with Deron
At Freecycle, a similar site where participants typically offer up some 20,000 items each day, the number of posts each day has increased by about 15% in recent months, driven by the financial concerns, founder, Deron Beal says.
“People, understandably, they’re buying petrol or going to the store and seeing high prices…seek to pinch their pennies a little bit and Freecycle… is a good alternative,” he says.
Even families with higher incomes, who might ordinarily be insulated from the pressures, are reconsidering their ordinary spending, says Tania Brown, a financial planner based in Georgia, with more than 20 years’ experience.
“There is an across-the-board sense of worry about inflation: ‘How long is this going to last, how this is going to impact their daily life’,” she says. “I am definitely hearing differences and changes.”
The City of Frederick “Freecycle” Roundup Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 5th from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Acceptable items will be collected at The City of Frederick, Yard Two, located at 531 Highland Street, officials said in a press release.
Listed below are items that will be accepted by The City of Frederick and Goodwill Industries:
Items not listed below will not be accepted and it will be the homeowner’s responsibility to dispose of those items. All items must be less than 7 feet in length, said officials.
City of Frederick Collection Goodwill Collection
Furniture (indoor/outdoor) Clothing
Appliances with refrigerants removed Purses
Bicycles Belts
Large toys (playground, kitchens, Shoes
slides, etc.) Books
Swing sets (7’ or less) CDs, DVDs, VHS, etc.
Box springs & mattresses (3 each Furniture
per household) must sign Electronics
affidavit Computer equipment
Mowers, weed eaters, trimmers, Monitors
etc….with all fluids removed TVs
Grills with tanks removed Plastics
“Freecycle” Roundup Day is for City of Frederick residents only. ID’s will be checked to verify proof of residency, officials continued.
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“One’s from the 80s and one’s from the 70s as far as I can make out and they sound beautiful.”
Meet Peter Warner, aka “Freebie Pete.” When he wanted a guitar, and didn’t have the money to buy one, he turned to “Freecycle,” a site connecting people giving things away with those looking for free stuff.
“What’s somebody’s trash, someone else can use, that’s a beautiful thing.”
But Pete also pays it forward. He’s given away baby gear on “Freecycle.”
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Once upon a time, if you wanted to get rid of an item that was still usable, your best option was the classifieds of the local newspaper.
Thanks to the rise of the Internet, though, connecting with someone interested in your junk has become a quicker and simpler process.
Kijiji is one of the most popular classified websites, and Waterloo Region is no exception to its success.
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To go green and get freebies, join Freecycyle.org. You can post items you want to give away in a Yahoo forum and list the items you are searching for. Freecycle has everything from kids items to appliances and household goods.
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Nice furniture does not a beautiful home make
It’s tempting when you move in to a new place to break the bank on some gorgeous furniture and hope that it will solve all your interior decor needs, but it’s far more important to focus on the decor and repair of your property first. Then, if you can still afford the lovely sofa or bookcase, you’ll do the furniture justice – it’ll simply fade away in a drab-looking room. Don’t be afraid to turn to freecycle, cheaper furniture stores or family for your first set of furnishings!
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2. Donate it. As long as it’s clean and smells all right, many charity organizations will take old carpets and rugs. Many animal shelters and training facilities welcome pieces of old carpeting to use for the bottom of dog and cat cages. Craigslist’s “free” section and Freecycle are great online resources if you’d rather avoid hauling a big roll of carpet in the back of your car.
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Going Above and Beyond
While waste reduction starts at home, communities nationwide are forming around the premise that less is more. Freecycle (Freecycle.org) — started in Tucson, Ariz., before spreading throughout the U.S. — helps people be the best possible reusers. Through the Freecycle network, members are able to donate — or pick up — used products, such as appliances, furniture, toys and bikes.
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