Post by Category : News Articles Woman shares easy hacks for £3.70 food shop, free bike and 50p clothes

She says anyone in search of furniture, books and toys should also sign up to Freecycle.

This is an app where local people can list and request items they need or no longer want.

“My best collection to date has been a bike. Initially I collected it for our grandson, but it’s a road bike, not cool I’m guessing, so I got to keep it. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am.”

Solihull Observer: How to save the planet – and pennies – with secondhand furniture

A more sophisticated site, the grassroots and non-profit set up Freecycle ( allows searches based on location – reducing carbon footprints even further by not needing to travel so far. Membership is free and the site is carefully monitored.

Central Recorder: Thrifty nan reveals how she saves hundreds on her grandkids

A THRIFTY nan has revealed how she saves hundreds when it comes to shopping for her grandkids, and how you can do the same.

Karen Kinton (59) has made bargain shopping her full-time occupation. Credit: 4 Karen never pays full price for food shop credit to 4 Karen picked up this bike for free on Freecycle

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2. Freecycle

As the name suggests, everything on Freecycle is free. You just have to pick it up. You may be lucky and get something that would be expensive to buy, like a lawnmower, in perfect working order. Once you have joined Freecycle, you can also post ‘Wanted’ requests.

The Guardian: Lockdown spirit lives on as neighbour groups become swap shops

It’s a picture mirrored across the country: community connections made in the peak of the pandemic helping to create unofficial swap shops. This sharing culture has exploded since the onset of coronavirus, according to a pre-WhatsApp website dedicated to giving away items for free. Postings on the Freecycle Network, a non-profit platform started in 2003, increased by 50% in June 2020 , its executive director Deron Beal has revealed.

The Guardian: Lockdown spirit lives on as neighbour groups become swap shops

It’s a picture mirrored across the country: community connections made in the peak of the pandemic helping to create unofficial swap shops. This sharing culture has exploded since the onset of coronavirus, according to a pre-WhatsApp website dedicated to giving away items for free. Postings on the Freecycle Network, a non-profit platform started in 2003, increased by 50% in June 2020 , its executive director Deron Beal has revealed. City Of Berkeley: Keep Berkeley Clean As Cal Students Move In

Cardboard boxes: If using sites like Craigslist, Freecycle or Nextdoor for reusable items, take precautions when arranging pickups or drop offs – all parties should wear face coverings, keep six feet apart, avoid physical contact, and wash their hands before and after the exchange.

In Your Area: Doddinghurst singer helps 187 people after breaking leg collecting for food bank

Dean set out to try and make a difference to people’s lives by appealing on social media for mobility aids and advertising them, for free, on Freecycle and other online groups.

Dean said: “The response was amazing. We have had nearly 200 individual people help so far in just three months.

The Sun: How to save the planet with your shopping from bagging freebies to the ’30-wear’ rule


THE Freecycle Network you can find at allows people to list things they no longer need — so others in their area can have them for free. You can pick up a chest of drawers, sofa or even a TV for nothing.

BBC News: Sharing apps are booming but will the kindness continue?

Other apps, such as and Nextdoor, have also registered a surge in altruistic behaviour during the pandemic.

“We went from maybe 60,000 posts a day to 120,000 posts a day overnight… it was amazing,” says Deron Beal, founder of, a website that allows people to offer unwanted possessions to others for free online.

The site was flooded with so much activity that Mr Beal’s team had to activate additional servers to cope with demand, he adds.