Post by Category : Interesting Stuff

Odessa American: GEEK TO ME: Clear personal data before moving on from old tech

Back in 2007 I recommended an organization called Freecycle for divesting yourself of not just computers, but all sorts of stuff you want to get rid of. Freecycle is still around, and I dare say is even bigger now than back then. I did a quick Google search on “how to dispose of old computers” and found some additional places worth a look-see. Companies like PC Liquidations and eRecure are certified disposal specialists, and have collection points nationwide. Big box retailer Best Buy also has a free in-store recycling program for everything from cell phones to computers to appliances. If you have a Best Buy near you (and I happen to know that you do, Beverly!) check them out.

The Times: Can I recycle my duvet?

Marketwatch: Is it valuable or is it junk? How to get rid of old stuff

If you’re comfortable with people coming to your home or garage, you can list items for sale on Craigslist or neighborhood apps such as Nextdoor. Those are good sites to list items you want to give away, too, and many communities have Freecycle groups to help you find homes for unwanted items.


Sell or donate – We often have lots of perfectly good items in our homes that we no longer need or want. Whether its’ clothing that we have outgrown, or furniture that doesn’t match the new colour scheme, these items have lots of good shelf life left in them and will be appreciated by a new owner. If you don’t want to sell the items, charity shops and organisations are always grateful for donations, other options include the local freecycle or swap shop pages on social media

Earth911: Maven Moment: School Bags

Donate It

Is there a younger sibling, cousin, or neighbor who could use it? If not, a local homeless shelter or other local charity might accept gently used school supplies. You can also offer it for free via Freecycle or your local Craigslist. I think that a little investigation will offer many options for donating school bags in your area.

But what if the bag is not in great shape? Even it’s had a lot of wear or the straps are broken, there are still options for reusing an old school bag.

Belfast Telegraph: Good egg: Fermanagh woman Diana’s rescue hens rule the roost

The keen environmentalist is the founder of Fermanagh Freecycle and her hens have taken over her life as they roam freely around her home.

She was recently involved in another rescue mission around Lisbellaw after one of her hens went missing for 10 hours, although it later turned up unscathed.

Denver Post: Learn To Declutter, Recycle, & Organize at Boomers Leading Change Oct 7 Event

We’re also hosting a representative from the Freecycle Network, a grassroots online non-profit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns. Freecycle participants believe in donating and reusing items. So, rather than throwing away older and/or unused items like furniture, electronics, keepsakes, kitchen and household goods and other stuff, Freecycle online groups post items for free while individuals also post items they are looking for online. It’s a win-win for everybody!

MSN Money

How to Get Rid of 6 Hard-to-Sell Things

FreecycleWhen stuff doesn’t sell or isn’t handy to donate, Freecycle is your friend. Post your item on the site — I always add the disclaimer that I won’t deliver it — and you’ll often find someone will gratefully adopt your item.

South Coast Today

How to Save Money When Moving on a Tight Budget

Packing material

You will definitely need boxes for packing your goods securely and they are a necessity in moving. However, boxes provided by professional moving companies can be very expensive. Consider looking for these boxes from alternative sources to cut down on costs when operating on a tight budget.

Collect boxes from the office that can fit some of the goods or check at your local grocery for even bigger ones. You can also ask friends to share some if they have, and even ask the kids to get some from their school. Liquor stores are another good source for boxes or the Freecycle and Craigslist.

Join Cupertino Freecycle to help us reduce landfill!

From books to furniture to school supplies and kitchen utensils, we are finding new homes for unwanted items in our community and reducing landfill. A wide variety of items can be claimed or posted in this site, absolutely free! Come join us as we reduce the environmental impact of our waste as we help others find items they need! All you need is an email address. We hope to see you soon!