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7. Freecycle or Buy Nothing Project

Just trying to score some freebies, eh? Alternately, do away with all the freebies. Then maybe you should check out Freecycle or the Buy Nothing Project. Freecycle networks are non-profit, community-driven, and driven entirely by volunteers, allowing people to give and receive goods in their local areas.

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Freecycle & Craigslist:

These two have been around for decades, and both have a feast-or-famine reputation: You’re either lucky enough to live where there’s a great group offering great things, or you live in a place where people try to unload some pretty awful stuff. (Fun fact: A guy in Fairbanks, Alaska, advertised free dog poop — “You shovel, you haul.”)

Back in my starving-midlife-student years, I scored some free grub from Freecycle and Craigslist. You might luck out, too.

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FreecycleWhen stuff doesn’t sell or isn’t handy to donate, Freecycle is your friend. Post your item on the site — I always add the disclaimer that I won’t deliver it — and you’ll often find someone will gratefully adopt your item.

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4.Use FreeCycle – a website where people give away stuff for free:

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4. Freecycle it

That bike you no longer ride or trunk full of baby clothes would be welcomed by folks who can’t afford such things. See if there’s a local chapter of The Freecycle Network, or put unwanted items up for grabs on the “free” section of Craigslist.

For safety’s sake, leave the stuff on the porch or in your driveway for someone to pick up. Or, offer to meet the new owners in a public place for a drop-off.

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About Freecycle for Recycling Old Clothes

Next time you search for “recycled old clothes near me,” check out Freecycle instead.

With grassroots groups scattered all around the world, Freecycle makes it easy to turn trash into treasure—either for straight reuse or to be upcycled into something totally new and unique. 

It’s free to post anything and local members will get notified of your listing. Sharing a picture helps, too.

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Free cycle. Freecycle is a non-profit organization of over 5,000 local town groups for those who are trying to provide (and acquire) things for free to keep them out of landfills. To access the post, you need to sign up for a free account on that website. After signing up, just search for the item you’re looking for in the Search tab.In this case, “free box” —When You will see a list of everyone in your area trying to offload cardboard.. Once you’ve found a match, all you have to do is set a time to reply to the post and collect the boxes, and you’re good to go.

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Meet, swap

In its basic form, the sharing economy is focused on local swap, rental and gifting of assets such as space, tools, and other goods. Citizens advertise their need for an item or the items they have to spare, and rather than buying new which would create more waste, they share the items for some specified period of time. Such activities have been leveraging the internet since it was established, and today specialized platforms like Freecycle or Facebook Neighborhoods make it easier than ever. And governments stand poised to supercharge this process through facilitation and incentivization programs that make it easier and more advantageous to share. 16 Easy Ways To Save The World For Free

11. Freecycle – giving away items for free

Instead of throwing away items, give them away for free with Freecycle..

Freecycle is a grassroots and entirely non profit movement to help people give away their stuff for free.

With a network across the globe, made up of 5,000 local town groups, simply sign up and find a town (or more) near you.

By making posts about things you’d like to receive, other members can reply and arrange a pick up time.

Whether giving or taking, Freecycle is a great place to browse on a budget.

Pubwise: The Freecycle Network Case Study

The Company

The Freecycle Network launched in the US market in 2003. They are the world’s largest international gifting community, with over 9.8 million members in over 5,000 worldwide communities covering over a hundred countries and 12 languages. The Freecycle Network is a private, nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of Arizona.