Post by Category : All U.S.

Olabelhe- Blog: I ‘heart’ Freecycle

Have you heard about Freecycle? Most communities have one. It’s an amazing opportunity to either purge your unwanted stuff or go treasure hunting. As with most people the beginning of each new year is the time to clean out the old and make room for new stuff. Time for organizing closets, and cabinets, and so on. I have been a little OCD over the past week or so going through the house and making piles of “things to keep”, “things to donate” and “things to get rid of” and trust me there are a lot of things that I would like to find new homes for and Freecycle is a great way to do that. Just yesterday I listed a bunch of stuff and it already has been claimed by various people anxious to come and collect it. Whats the old saying??? “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” and that certainly is true. Over the next few days I hope to purge a bunch more stuff on freecycle, list a bunch of stuff on either Craig’s list or Ebay and most likely make several trips to our local recycling center to drop off misc. other stuff. Oh, it feels so good!

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Spark Freecycling

Tuesday, December 18, 2012
I just joined and I am super excited!

A. I hate waste and love finding ways to reuse EVERYTHING.

B. I love free stuff!

There’s a Christmas tree available in the area that I might be interested in. I’m also going to search for filing cabinets and stuff like that for the house. And now I can’t stop thinking about what I might want to get rid of that I could post!

I love the internet. 🙂

Now, if only someone wanted to give away a free treadmill or set of free weights….

Oh, well. Craigslist, here I come!

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CT on a budget: LOVE Freecycle!

I needed another table in order to be able to seat all that are coming to a Christmas party that I am hosting. I looked on line, these go for $50 for the cheapo, plastic topped ones to more like $100 and up for study, industrial ones. Today, I had college boy with his truck pick up and deliver a Freecyled 6 foot, folding party table. While there are a few scratches in the top, wood grain finish, this is an all steel table that will more than suit my needs, especially as I plan on covering it with a table cloth! Very, very happy to now own this, my cost? just a tip to college boy to help cover his gas. Well worth it!

Read more The Luxury of Giving: Freecycling and Frugality

This freecycling thing is my latest fixation. Not a week goes by that my husband doesn’t come home to hear what thing went that day! My local community is a bustling one, and my offers generally go in the first 48 hours. My basement is growing, suddenly unburdened by excess.

Technically, it is a “loss” of money, unless one is receiving the items. Literal frugality would demand that I should be Ebaying these suckers and getting some profit for myself, no matter how minor. But I won’t do that. For me, having the free space in my household and knowing that someone else is going to enjoy the items is worth far more than waiting and waiting to make a few bucks.

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Miles & Ozzie: freecycle

freecycle is by no means anything new. but some folks are not familiar with it. basically it works like this: are you looking for something very specific? post an ad. do you have something in your garage/basement/closet that needs a new home? post an ad. it’s that simple. what’s even better is you can put what you have to offer out on your porch with the new owners name on it for them to pick up. you don’t have to wait around. you don’t have to answer your door. same goes for when you want something. just ask for porch pickup and it’s yours.

and it’s all free.

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Shift Frequency: Laura Bruno ~ Freecycle

I first discovered freecycle several years ago while living in Northern California. After having relocated from Sedona Arizona and given away much of our furniture, I wondered if we could be on the receiving end of so much abundance. While married, I moved every 2-12 months — usually around the 6 month mark — so I have given away a lot of furniture in my day! I figured I could balance the scales a bit by appearing when someone else needed to relieve themselves of stuff. I forget how I found freecycle, but I love the idea that one person’s junk can become another’s treasure. After receiving an armoire and recliner chair, I decided to list some of our items that hadn’t found a place in our new California home. I loved this zero money exchange that blessed both parties by clearing energy out the old and invigorating the new. I also loved that freecycle kept many perfectly usable (but less likely to sell) items out of the landfill.

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Christian Science Monitor: Scour the web for savings

I have a large handful of tools that were given to me by someone on Freecycle. They cost me nothing.

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Down To Earth: Champion of recyclers

On May 1, 2003, Deron Beal, an American engineer, sent an e-mail to 40 friends and a handful of non-profits in Tucson, Arizona. The e-mail led to the formation of the Freecycle Network, which provided recycling services to businesses in Tucson.

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Living Green Magazine:Freecycle: Find a New Home for Items You Want to Recycle

The American way of life seems to revolve around “stuff;” what you have and how much you have of it. But when it’s time to get rid of some of this “stuff” to replace it with new or to just free up some space in your home, it can be a challenge.

What if no one you know wants to take the stuff, stores like Goodwill are full, it’s not garage sale season, and you don’t want to simply throw it in a landfill? Then may be a great solution.

The Freecycle Network is not just a site, it’s a community of people giving and receiving good use items for free. The site has over 5,000 groups made up of over 8 million users. A “group” is a community that someone can join. The group’s geography is a person’s city or county. Besides the U.S., there are 122 other countries on The Freecycle Network.

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Mothering: Getting out of debt in MAY!!

I got home this morning and posted an ad for cans to recycle on freecycle. One person will save them for me. I know I wont get much but that’s at least a start towards something I guess.

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