Post by Category : “about us”

WFMD: Frederick City Freecycle Roundup Event

If you didn’t get a chance the first time, another Freecycle Roundup event is being held on October 4, 2014.

Frederick City residents will have the opportunity to dispose of their large bulky items they no longer need. Officials will stage the Roundup at 531 Highland Street, known as Area K.

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Archinect: Urban Salon launches Museum Freecycle UK – an exhibition recycling network

A national museum recycling network, Museum Freecycle UK, was launched today to encourage the recycling and reuse of exhibition build elements between museums by Urban Salon and the Freecycle Network. The launch coincides with UK Recycle Week. Museum Freecycle UK is the first industry-wide and national Freecycle network created since Freecycle was founded in Tucson, Arizona in 2003.

The idea was floated in an article by Alex Mowat, Creative Director of Urban Salon in Design Week two weeks ago and received such a positive response, that Urban Salon went on to work with the Freecycle Network to set up the online portal. The group is being run by Urban Salon with the support of SHARE Museums East and The Collections Trust.

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Burton Mail: Warning over scam issues on free site

THE Burton branch of an initiative which allows people to support their community by offering items for free is urging people to be aware of scammers.

Freecycle allows people to offer up any items they are looking to throw away to other people in the area via a special website.

The Burton branch has more than 50 items on offer but has had to issue advice and warnings to members after a big increase in people being hit by scams.

A spokesman for the group said: “Freecycle has recently seen a big increase in scammers who are abusing the good and kind nature of our fantastic members.

“The most common scam involves someone offering high-end or desirable items but telling you that they have moved house or are working away but that they can post or courier the item to you for a fee.

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Daily Finance: How to Get Free Moving Materials

The average price for packing materials needed to move a three-bedroom home can cost you up $200. That’s definitely not cheap, but sites like can help.

Freecycle sites set up groups and individuals with free items for reuse or recycling. All you have do is enter your location and search or place an ad for moving-boxes. They’re a frequently featured item, so they should be easy to find nearby.

Read more İhtiyaç Fazlası Binlerce Eşya, Her Gün İnternetten El Değiştiriyor!

Ücretsiz ikinci el eşya alışveriş çılgınlığının atası Freecycle sayesinde dünyanın dört bir yanındaki milyonlarca insan, ihtiyaç fazlası eşyalarını, onlara ihtiyacı olan kişilerle paylaşıyor. Freecycle’ın Türkiye’de de yayılmasını sağlayan Taner Ertunç’la sistem hakkında bir söyleşi gerçekleştirdik.

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Istanbul Freecycle: You Tube

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TimeOutIstanbul:Taner Ertunç röportajı

Freecycle ile nasıl tanıştınız?
2004 yılında iş sebebi ile Almanya’daydım. Ne kadar süre kalacağım belirsizdi ve kalacak bir ev ayarlamam gerekiyordu. Evimi kiralarken eski kiracının satmaya razı geldiği her şeyi satın aldım. Daha sonra o yıl dünyada en hızlı büyüyen sivil toplum kuruluşunun freecycle olduğu ile ilgili bir haber okudum ve Almanya’da bulunduğum şehrin freecycle grubuna üye oldum. Evde kalan eksiklerimi de oradan zaman içinde tamamladım. Sistemin başarı ile işlediğine şahit olunca, işimin gerektirdiği İstanbul dönüşlerimin birinde, 2005 yılı içerisinde İstanbul Freecycle grubunu kurdum.

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The Daily News Journal: Smyrna Heart of Giving

Warrick and Taraska first met on Murfreesboro Freecycle, a group that serves as a message board to connect those giving items away for free. The eventually added Jennifer Underwood and Twila Bilbrey. Among the four of them, they manage a Facebook page 500 members strong.

“We were talking one day and I said, ‘Let’s do a Smyrna Freecycle,’” Taraska said.

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Gloucester Advocate: Freecycle cuts landfill and builds networks

FREECYCLE is a novel way of reducing landfill and helping a neighbour out at the same time.

After a long break The Freecycle Network is once again working in Gloucester. Copeland’s Jackie Clark has taken on the role of moderator for the Gloucester group under the guidance of the main organisation.

Freecycle allows members to register their email address with a local group then advertise what they want to give away.

Alternatively, they can ask for something they need and it is all completely free of charge.

“I have used Freecycle for years and received floor tiles, wall tiles, goldfish, trees, plants, a bread maker, cot and ride-on toys – among other things,” Jackie said.

“When we moved, I got rid of unwanted crystal glasses and jugs, old chairs and other stuff.

“It works well because there is no expectation by anyone beyond the wish to help the environment.”

Freecycle began in the US in 2003 and has since spread to 85 countries across the globe.

“It’s a great way to keep stuff out of landfill, but it’s also a really good way to establish and build relationships,” Ms Clark said.

“Everyone remembers grabbing something from the tip. This way, you don’t even have to get as far as the tip.

“Freecycle members worldwide are currently keeping over 500 tons a day out of landfill. This amounts to five times the height of Mt Everest in the past year alone, when stacked in garbage trucks.”

The rise of the ‘Buy, Swap and Sell’ concept thanks to social media has been a revelation in recent years and Ms Clark feels the Freecycle initiative can be just as successful.

Jackie has already approached Gloucester Shire Council for its support and council’s environment and waste services coordinator Tania Parkinson has agreed to raise the Freecycle concept with Midwaste.

To learn more about Freecycle visit the website

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KGBT-TV:Money Talks News: The Best Ways to Get Free Stuff

“One’s from the 80s and one’s from the 70s as far as I can make out and they sound beautiful.”

Meet Peter Warner, aka “Freebie Pete.” When he wanted a guitar, and didn’t have the money to buy one, he turned to “Freecycle,” a site connecting people giving things away with those looking for free stuff.

“What’s somebody’s trash, someone else can use, that’s a beautiful thing.”

But Pete also pays it forward. He’s given away baby gear on “Freecycle.”

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