Post by Category : “about us”

Royston Crow 24: Volunteers ready to launch Royston repair cafe

Royston Freecycle group will launch the café as it celebrates its 10th year of keeping old items in use in the town.

Volunteer repairers will be helping people to mend broken items at a free event at The Meridian School, in Garden Walk, on Sunday, February 9.

Anyone with something that needs mending – bikes, toys, clothes, tools, small items of furniture, electrical equipment including IT hardware – can bring their item to Meridian School between 10am-3pm.

The broken item will be assessed and, if it can be mended immediately, the owner will be shown how to do it. If the repair is more major, organisers will refer people to local professional repairers.

The Repair Café is free, but advance booking is required so organisers know what items will be arriving. Online booking is at 9844376796

For local updates and other information about repair and re-use go to or call Chris Lee on 07962 157589.

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The Missoulian: Freecycle groups: Free stuff available for needy

You folks in dire straights who need free stuff, have you tried I read the pleas for “help” in the daily Missoulian. Often, what folks are asking for is readily available from generous folks offering free stuff to give away on furniture, food, vehicle parts, housewares, computers, building materials, do-dads and dust-catchers.

Both Missoula and the Bitterroot Valley have Freeycle groups. It’s free to post both “wanted” and “offers.” A yard sale is a lot of work. Giving it away is a cakewalk.

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Choteau Acantha: Local Freecycle Network looking for participants

The Teton County group matches people who have things they need to get rid of with people who can use them.

It is another spoke in the wheel that supports the local community, another tool in Linda Sentz’ toolbox. Sentz is a board member of both the Teton County Food Pantry and Neighbors Helping Neighbors organization, both organizations that give a helping hand to those people in need. She said that only 40 people are in the Freecycle group and she would like to see that doubled or tripled.

The national Freecycle Network has a goal of keeping usable items out of landfills, but a “wanted” or an “offer” posting on the Teton County recycle webpage might fulfill a basic need for a refrigerator or other appliance, for example, Sentz said.

The Internet listings help people give unwanted items to someone else for free. Freecycle creates a circle of giving rather than items discarded. To join the Teton County Freecycle group, sign up at

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Burton Mail: Free site growing from strength to strength

A BURTON branch of an initiative which allows people to support their community by offering items for free is going from strength to strength.

Freecycle allows people in the town to offer up any items they are looking to throw away to give them to other people in the area via a special online site.

The Burton branch has more than 50 items on offer, ranging from coffee tables and Sony televisions to old duvets and hair dye.

A spokesman for Freecycle said: “You only have to watch the Antiques Roadshow to know that we throw away too much that other people might find useful or even valuable.

“Freecycle aims to keep such stuff out of landfill.

“Everything offered is free, legal and appropriate for all ages.

“If people want to offer something, they just email the local group.

“After that it is up to the giver to decide who receives the gift and to set up a collection time.

“Similarly, if you are looking for something, post a ‘wanted’ message and a group member may have what you are looking for.

“Each local group is moderated by people in the area.

“Freecycle is a grassroots movement, entirely not-for-profit, involving people who are giving and getting stuff for free in their area.

“By using what we already have, we reduce consumerism, manufacture fewer goods and keep good stuff out of landfill.

“We get rid of junk that we no longer need and strengthen community ties.”

Freecycle was established in 2003 in Arizona and has since spread to more than 85 countries.

In the UK, there are now getting on for 600 groups with nearly three million members.

A nearby group that covers South Derbyshire has more than 1,000 items up for grabs.

Membership is free and, for more information, head online to

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The Sydney Morning Herald: Freecycle changes the adage: Just as good to give as to receive

‘I only own four items in this whole apartment,” Galina Globug said.

Ms Globug is one of 6.6 million people worldwide who give – and receive – unwanted things in a global environmental initiative called Freecycle. Its motto: ”changing the world, one gift at a time”.

Her eastern suburbs flat contains a bed, a wardrobe, a barbecue, a fridge, a dryer, a dresser, a gas heater, a cheese stand and a kitchen table. All were given to her for free.

”Oh, and a 40-inch TV,” the university student said.
”It’s pretty nifty. If people have stuff they don’t want it’s better than throwing it in the dump. It’s like recycling it back to the community.”

In return, Ms Globug recently offered some small plastic pots and glass jars to her Freecycle community.

The co-ordinator of one Freecycle group in Sydney, Tracy Getts, says as long as the goods – whether a bike, bubble wrap or a bed – are free, legal and suitable for all ages, they can be traded on the site for no cost. There are also no rules in how much people can take, compared to what they give, she said.

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Central Freecycle Gladstone is a positive place to get creative

THE saying one man’s trash, is another man’s treasure rings true for Facebook group Freecycle Gladstone.

Robin MacDonald has been one of the admins of the Facebook group for the past year, and since he signed up about 2000 more people joined.

Members of the group post their unwanted items for others to use.

“It helps people get rid of items they can’t get rid of themselves.”

Their old-fashioned values and strict rules of the use of please and thank you have resulted in a positive and friendly Facebook group.

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White Rock Lake Weekly: WHITE ROCK VOLUNTEERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE Network pays it forward, helps environment Read more: White Rock Lake Weekly – WHITE ROCK VOLUNTEERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE Network pays it forward helps environment

Photo courtesy of The Freecycle Network Deron Beal founded the Freecycle Network in 2003.
Offer: purple bike 19 in wheels (75223); Taken: purple bike 19 in wheels (75223); Offer: Bale of hay (75228); Wanted: gallon glass jar (75218); Nov. 4, 2013, digest #2975. So goes the pattern of recycling, Freecycle Network style.

When you donate an item to one of the many charitable organizations, which pick up from your home or have donation bins placed around town, it’s a kind, altruistic gesture. Though most of the philanthropic organizations are undoubtedly trustworthy, you never really know if the item’s going to someone who needs or wants it, or if it’s going anywhere other than the trash bin. As it turns out, about 70 percent of donations to some of the organizations are thrown away.

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Cote Quimper: Donner sur le réseau Freecycle

Freecycle est un réseau de dons par internet. Il existe un groupe à Douarnenez et un autre à Concarneau. Pourquoi pas sur Quimper ? Gwenola Champel nous donne le mode d’emploi.

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The Online recycling the gift that keeps on giving

The last time you peered into your shed or spare room, did you look at all the unused items and wonder: why do I have so much stuff? If the answer is ”yes”, you’re not alone. A 2008 report by the Australia Institute states that 88 per cent of Australian homes have at least one cluttered room and that ”four in 10 Australians say they feel anxious, guilty or depressed about the clutter in their homes”.

Little wonder then that Australia is part of a worldwide backlash against consumerism. One of the big ideas is so-called ”collaborative consumption” – the notion that we can share resources, rather than having to own them individually. And this is where Freecycle comes in.

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Grand Designs Live: Ben Harrison -The Inside-out Freecycle Kitchen Garden

My name is Ben Harrison, I am a 22 year old Worcestershire based Landscaper, offering design and build services. I produce detailed designs to suit style, build cost and material preferences. I have a keen interest in upcyling existing materials and products; helping me create unique spaces in unlikely locations.

The Inside-out Freecycle Kitchen Garden

This garden will be designed making use of Freecycle and all other freely available recycled items that you would typically see in your kitchen. Sinks have become planters, tea cups and jars grow herbs and kitchen cabinets frame cleverly grown vegetables.

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