
Royston Crow 24: Volunteers ready to launch Royston repair cafe

Royston Freecycle group will launch the café as it celebrates its 10th year of keeping old items in use in the town.

Volunteer repairers will be helping people to mend broken items at a free event at The Meridian School, in Garden Walk, on Sunday, February 9.

Anyone with something that needs mending – bikes, toys, clothes, tools, small items of furniture, electrical equipment including IT hardware – can bring their item to Meridian School between 10am-3pm.

The broken item will be assessed and, if it can be mended immediately, the owner will be shown how to do it. If the repair is more major, organisers will refer people to local professional repairers.

The Repair Café is free, but advance booking is required so organisers know what items will be arriving. Online booking is at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/royston-repair-cafe-tickets- 9844376796

For local updates and other information about repair and re-use go to www.facebook.com/RoystonRepairCafe or call Chris Lee on 07962 157589.

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